Tobacco Bands & Suction Tapes

Tobacco Bands & Suction Tapes
Suction tapes for Molins Mk8, Mk9, Hauni Protos and GD 121 Cigarette Making Machines
Tobacco Bands & Suction Tapes

Tobacco Bands & Suction Tapes are integral parts of Cigarette Making Machines. Transporting the tobacco through vacuum at such high speeds makes those parts exceptionally sensitive in terms of quality. Using proper materials and right technology are essential for quality performance.

SAMI MCD Ltd. supplies Tobacco Bands & Suction Tapes for all known Cigarette Making Machines in the industry: Mk8, Mk9, Protos, GD 121, LOG, LOF, etc.


Check for similar consumable parts for Cigarette Making Machines: Garniture Format tapes


Tobacco Bands produced from stainless steel for all known Cigarette Making Machines.


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Suction Tapes for all known Cigarette Making Machines.


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